The Cottage Homemaker Blog
Musings, writings, and recipes from my cozy little cottage kitchen to yours.
Yours truly, Christina Miller-Roberts
Hello Fall!
Hello Fall!
I love each season for its own unique characteristics we expect and anticipate. Harvesting, preserving, stocking up, and preparing for the cold winter months. I am enjoying the cooler, almost PERFECT weather we are finally having the last few days. Ahhh...
Springtime - New Beginnings
Springtime - New Beginnings
Spring is my favorite season! It is bursting with new life, new beginnings, and the opportunity to renew and refresh our homes and gardens. Nature is renewing itself as it wakes up from it’s winter sleep with the redbud and dogwood trees blooming, and the wisteria trees starting to grace anything that is available to them to drape their beautiful, graceful clusters of blooms over.